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Friday, 19 June 2020

Existence of Nepotism To Mental Health

The Write Convey “Wealth is dominating the skills”

For couple of days, word ‘Nepotism’ is covering up almost all media. The trending news, grouping of powerful people and boycotting a person, is not an acceptable activity. However, ‘Nepotism’ referring to utilizing of power for unwanted benefit, has been passed out through generations to generations and spread over every sphere if we observe.

Death of number of people because of ‘Nepotism’ has raise up question mark on ‘Authoritative people’. The increasing rate of ‘Nepotism Activity’ has resulted to ‘Wealth is dominating the skills’ simply ‘Instead of Capability of people, money matters’.  

Association of ‘Nepotism’ with ‘Mental Health’ carries out many effects. Person suffering from ‘Nepotism’ may go through depression, delusions, etc due to stress. Making ownself out of this, is a bit harder but not impossible. There are personalities who have made it and motivated themselves. So, the option of ending of life is not a solution. We must fight back and have courage within.

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